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About Jami Morris

Jami Morris has lived in South Carolina for most of her adult life and makes her home in Newberry County.  She and her husband Milburn have been married for 35+ years and together have raised four wonderful children. Within the past few years, Jami has had the privilege and joy of becoming a grandmother.
Over the years, Jami has built a very successful home based business in the field of Midwifery.

Jami is actively involved in her local Church and draws her values, strength, purpose, and mission in life, from God's Word.  She and her husband have served in Church leadership for many years and have worked tirelessly in areas of Church youth and home group development.

She enjoys volleyball, swimming and boating, along with spending quality time with her husband, children and grandchildren.

Contact Jami Morris @
Jami Morris Midwifery Services provides women with the Midwifery Model of Care in the Midlands and Upstate regions of South Carolina, including Greenwood, Greenville, Spartanburg and Columbia areas. 
Jami Morris, LM
SC Hwy. 395, Newberry, South Carolina 29108
© 2011 Jami Morris Midwifery Services. All rights reserved


Web Design By Anthony
(803) 317-1903